Check Points for the Magnet Application Period
Review the timeline below. The timeline is divided into two periods: the pre-random selection period, and the notification period. Please note the items listed for completion by each date listed on the timeline.
Cool Timeline
Cool Timeline
Magnet Training
The Magnet training is available year-long for your reference. Please select the link below if you’d like to review the Magnet application process.
Helpful Tips!
Magnet Acceptances During COVID
Most students declare (accept) their Magnet seat through the online system, however, some are not able to. In light of limited parent access to in-person visits at schools, consider some of these ideas to receive student acceptance letters:
- Offer parents the option to email a signed declaration of acceptance letter to the school
- Offer a ‘drive-thru’ type of option through your student dropoff area or similar
- Avoid undocumented forms of acceptance such as verbal phone calls or text messages to personal mobile phones
Student Registration Durning COVID
M-DCPS has a student registration packet available online. Below are some ideas of how you can facilitate the process for your interested students:
- Pre-printed registration packets for parents to pick up at the school site
- Facilitated a drive-thru system for parents to register while staying in their vehicle
- Downloadable school registration packet available through an email link